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The Picture of Dorian Gray - Part 1

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1) sullen, a; 12) void, n;

угрюмый пустота

2) languidly, adv; 13) idolatry, n;

вяло идолопоклонство

3) hideous, a; 14) morbid, a;

отвратительный болезненный

4) surrender, v; 15) consequence, n;

сдаваться последствие

5) intently, adv; 16) deception, n;

внимательно обман

6) gauze, a; 17) stir, v;

марлевый размешать

7) tedious, a; 18) poach, v;

утомительный вторгаться в чужие владения

8) cowardice, n; 19) lank, a;

трусость худощавый

9) lionize, v; 20) cynicism, n;

захваливать цинизм

10) listlessly, adv; 21) perplexity, n;

апатично недоумение

11) turquoise, n; 22) dainty, a.

бирюзовый утонченный

1) to give rise to (p.79); ПОРОДИТЬ

In the centre of the room, clamped to an upright easel, stood the full-length portrait of a young man of extraordinary personal beauty, and in front of it, some little distance away, was sitting the artist himself, Basil Hallward, whose sudden disappearance some years ago caused, at the time, such public excitement and gave rise to so many strange conjectures.

2) to put too much of oneself into something (p.80); ВЛОЖИТЬ СЛИШКОМ МНОГО СЕБЯ ВО ЧТО-Л.

"I know you will laugh at me," he replied, "but I really can't exhibit it. I have put too much of myself into it."

3) to dog through (p.82); ПРЕСЛЕДОВАТЬ

There is a fatality about all physical and intellectual distinction, the sort of fatality that seems to dog through history the faltering steps of kings.

4) to make no row (p.83); НЕ СКАНДАЛИТЬ

My wife is very good at it -- much better, in fact, than I am. She never gets confused over her dates, and I always do. But when she does find me out, she makes no row at all. I sometimes wish she would; but she merely laughs at me.

5) to come over somebody (p.85); ОХВАТЫВАТЬ

"I will tell you," said Hallward; but an expression of perplexity came over his face.

6) to take something into one’s head (p.86); ВЗБРЕСТИ В ГОЛОВУ

She spoke of me as her dearest friend. I had only met her once before, but she took it into her head to lionize me.

7) to go in for doing something (p.86). УВЛЕКАТЬСЯ ЧЕМ-Л.

I know she goes in for giving a rapid precis of all her guests

Lord Henry Wotton tells his friend, artist Basil Hallward that the picture of a gorgeous young man is his best work. The latter refuses to exhibit this picture. Lord Henry wants to get acquainted with this man, but Hallward is against it. However, lord Henry does meet him and tells him about the transience of youth. Hallward finishes the next portrait of Dorian Gray, who understands that unlike him the portrait always will be beautiful. He wants it to be vice versa. Lord Henry goes to his uncle George to ask him about Dorian's family. Then he goes to the luncheon that his aunt Agatha gives, where he impresses everyone with his ideas.

1) petulant, a; 14) vermilion, a;

раздражительный пунцовый

2) candour, n; 15) uncouth, a;

откровенность неуклюжий

3) workship, v; 16) mock, v;

поклоняться насмехаться

4) philanthropy, n; 17) squabble, v;

филантропия пререкаться

5) whim, n; 18) urn, n;

прихоть урна

6) dais, n; 19) indolence, n;

помост праздность

7) mutilation, n; 20) inordinate, a;

увечье, искажение беспорядочный, излишний

8) mar, v; 21) humbug, n;

повреждать надувательство

9) throb, v; 22) subaltern, n;

пульсировать подчиненный

10) languorous, a; 23) assent, v;

томный соглашаться

11) sallow, a; 24) fad, n;

землистый, желтоватый причуда

12) wither, v; 25) mediocrity, n;

вянуть посредственность

13) convolvulus, n; 26) supercilious, a.

вьюнок высокомерный

1) to take a fancy (p.98); БЫТЬ ОЧАРОВАННЫМ

Dorian Gray stepped up on the dais with the air of a young Greek martyr, and made a little moue of discontent to Lord Henry, to whom he had rather taken a fancy.

2) to hit the mark (p.101); ПОПАСТЬ В ЦЕЛЬ

He had merely shot an arrow into the air. Had it hit the mark?

3) to come across (p.103); ВСТРЕТИТЬ

He had known Basil Hallward for months, but the friendship between them had never altered him. Suddenly there had come some one across his life who seemed to have disclosed to him life's mystery.

4) to break in (p.107); ВМЕШИВАТЬСЯ (В РАЗГОВОР)

 "That is entirely due to me," broke in Lord Henry. "Isn't it, Mr. Gray?"

5) reason of his birth (p.115); В СИЛУ СВОЕГО ПРОИСХОЖДЕНИЯ

…a post to which he considered that he was fully entitled by reason of his birth, his indolence, the good English of his dispatches, and his inordinate passion for pleasure.

6) to go to the dogs (p.116); КАТИТЬСЯ В ПРОПАСТЬ

Only England could have produced him, and he always said that the country was going to the dogs.

7) to be mad after somebody (p.118); БЫТЬ БЕЗ УМА ОТ КОГО-Л.

Carlington was mad after her.

8) to snatch away (p.120); УНЕСТИ (В МОГИЛУ)

The mother snatched away by death, the boy left to solitude and the tyranny of an old and loveless man.

9) to make out (p.125). ПОНИМАТЬ

I am sure I never can make out what you are talking about.

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